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JUNE 3RD, 2003 - DECEMBER 7TH, 2016

Chloe was the baby of Melanie and Brian. She was so special and loved. She was even the flower girl at their wedding. Chloe was the best dog. She loved to be outside in the sun and enjoy a summer breeze. Her other favorite hobbies included sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. She will be greatly missed and always remain in our hearts.


2003 - 2020

Buttons was a very special boy and much loved. He lived over 16 years and is deeply missed. He's probably running around across the rainbow bridge with his old friend Chloe.



2008 - 2022

Cassie was Amanda’s baby. She was rescued from a puppy mill in December of 2009. And although she went her whole life dealing with multiple health issues, she was a spunky little dog who held her own with the big dogs. Cassie passed away in August of 2021 before her 12th birthday. She was loved by family, friends, and anyone who had a chance to meet her.


2008 - 2022

Bella was the baby of Melanie. She was adopted from Petsmart in 2008. After seeing Bella and her gorgeous big blue eyes, Melanie just had to bring her home. She was so , she named her Bella. Over the years, Bella and Mel formed a very special bond. Being part Siamese, she had the character trait of forming a special attachment to only one person, that person being Mel. Bella will be deeply missed.


Chevy was the baby of Charles. He was a wonderful dog. Chevy crossed the rainbow bridge on April 9th, 2017. He will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.


Dakota, a beautiful Great Pyrenees that Clara Cares had helped, crossed the rainbow bridge on December 12th, 2017. Her owner Marcia wanted to thank Cheryl, Clara Cares, and the auction supporters from last year for providing financial help for Dakota. It allowed them to have more quality time than they ever would have guessed and she will be eternally grateful for all of the love and kindness that was showed to her.


Maximus Prime aka Max was the baby of Kim, John and Haley. He was a very loving, strong, amazing dog. Max crossed the rainbow bridge on June 7th, 2017. He was one of Clara Cares' first focus dogs. He will always be so very special to Clara Cares, and will never be forgotten.


Bernard, fur baby of Peggy Wheeler crossed the rainbow bridge on November 8th, 2017. A donation was made to Clara Cares in his memory.


Golden retriever Daisy just recently crossed the rainbow bridge. She was a beautiful fur baby and supporter and donator to Clara Cares.


Saint Bernard Addie was the fur baby of Kim and John Gordon. She crossed the rainbow bridge in 2019.

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